You might ask, “What’s the best way to make a contribution to Westminster?” Our answer is, “It’s what works best for you.”

The simplest way to support Westminster is to use your credit card to make a recurring gift. Or you could contribute appreciated securities and save on capital gains tax. Perhaps the best gift for you is a charitable bequest or a beneficiary designation so that you can change your plans if need be.

Combining several giving options can allow you to make a significant impact on Westminster with maximum tax and financial benefit for you. A blended gift can allow you to enjoy the tax advantages of different gift types while you help Westminster.

For example, let’s take a look at two different people, Sarah and Jason. Sarah’s top priority is having an immediate impact on Westminster and she is concerned about her future income. Jason’s priority is providing long term permanent support for Westminster but he is worried about the cost today.

Sarah blends three different gifts to Westminster:

  • Sarah makes an outright gift of stock, currently worth $30,000. Although her stock has increased in value over the years, it pays a very small dividend so giving it has little impact on her current income. Sarah is gratified that her gift will make a difference right away and is happy to avoid the capital gains tax she would pay if she sold the stock.
  • Next, Sarah contributes $20,000 in cash in exchange for a charitable gift annuity which provides a life-time stream of payments to help with her retirement income. The fact that a part of each annuity payment is tax free is particularly appealing to Sarah.
  • Finally, Sarah includes a gift of $100,000 in her will in her will. This gift gives Sarah the security of still having control of these assets during her lifetime.

Jason blends three different gifts to Westminster:

  • Jason pledges to contribute $10,000 each year for ten years to build an endowment fund with the understanding distributions will not begin until it is fully funded. Jason is pleased to know that, when completed, his endowment will provide about $5,000 per year to help Westminster.
  • To ensure full funding for his endowment, Jason names Westminster as the remainder beneficiary of his retirement account, with the gift directed to his endowment fund.
  • Finally, to provide help now while he builds up his endowment, Jason commits to annual contributions of $5,000.

Blended gifts offer an array of ways to meld your financial and charitable interests. As you plan your contributions to Westminster we would be happy to work with you to make sure the blend is just right for you.

Gift PlanFeaturesImpact
Current Gift of CashSimplest of allImmediate
Current Gift of Appreciated SecuritiesMaximum tax savings nowImmediate
Charitable Gift AnnuityLifetime payments for you (or others)Future
Gift to EndowmentProvides permanent supportFuture
Charitable BequestMaximum flexibility for youFuture
Beneficiary DesignationSimple and flexibleFuture