It’s February and that means a lot of people are thinking about spring break adventures. While some will seek out the sun and sand, others will head to snow country. Everyone has different plans, expectations, and ideas about their life and how to live it. How well have you planned for the future?

Even when thinking about the everyday adventures of life - spring break or a summer vacation -  it’s important to make some basic decisions about your future. Start with these fundamental questions:

  1. What is my current financial situation?
  2. What are my financial and retirement goals?
  3. What happens if something happens to me? Who will make my decisions if I can’t? Who will care for me? What would I want?
  4. What happens to my loved ones if something happens to me?
  5. Who is my personal representative? When was the last time we discussed what I want?

Don’t forget to consider:

  1. What professionals do I have? What professionals do I need?
  2. How are my assets titled? Who is listed on my beneficiary designations?
  3. What would change my plans, priorities, or goals?
  4. How could my decisions be impacted by the policies in the state that I am a resident of?
  5. Am I philanthropic?

When was the last time you asked yourself questions like this? The Choose Your Own  Adventure guide will help you consider many different aspects of your life today and in the future. Download the guide, grab a notebook or open the notes app on your phone and start thinking about your future. Remember, it’s good to have both structure and flexibility in your plans. Some of the questions might make you feel a little uncomfortable but overall you should feel empowered!  

The full guide will help you explore retirement options and estate planning decisions by thinking about what key areas you care most about. After all, you get to choose your priorities. The guide is full of questions about what you want for yourself and the people around you. Some of the answers will come easily but others will require some thought or research. Whether your plans need updating or you are creating a new one, it’s a good time to dive into the planning process.

If you missed parts one and two of this article, you can find them below. If you are ready to Choose Your Own Adventure, download the guide today.


Jennifer Keyo, CSPG
Director of Legacy and Leadership Giving